Hi Jim,

On Monday 09 June 2014 21:44:00 Jim Rafert wrote:
> I'm trying to gather all my post-build tweaks into a recipe that will be
> built as part of an upper-level layer, so that they are installed after the
> meta layer is processed.  Many of these could be accomplished as part of
> .bbappend files for the recipes that originally supply the config files,
> but I wanted to gather all my customizations in one spot, so that they're
> easy to find.
> The recipe doesn't actually build anything, so there's no do_build task.
> This is surely something that is commonly wanted.
> Here's my current recipe, in spectra-postbuild_0.1.bb.
> When I try to build an image, the build fails with
> ERROR: QA Issue: spectra-postbuild: Files/directories were installed but not
> shipped /RELEASE-NOTES.txt
> When I disable the installed-vs-shipped QA test,  it fails later when it
> can't find a package file.

In general, disabling installed-vs-shipped is not the right thing to do. What 
it's trying to tell you is that you've installed a file in do_install and then 
haven't packaged it in any package, which means it can never end up in the 
final image.

FYI we've been putting together a section for the manual in the upcoming 1.7 
release that attempts to explain each warning and what to do to resolve it; 
here is a preview:


If "fails later when it can't find a package file" means during do_rootfs, this 
is almost certainly because the package ended up empty and thus wasn't created 
(we don't create empty packages unless ALLOW_EMPTY for the package is set to 
"1", but generally the fix is to ensure the files you expect to be packaged 
the package are actually packaged).



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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