Hi Jim, On Monday 09 June 2014 21:44:00 Jim Rafert wrote: > I'm trying to gather all my post-build tweaks into a recipe that will be > built as part of an upper-level layer, so that they are installed after the > meta layer is processed. Many of these could be accomplished as part of > .bbappend files for the recipes that originally supply the config files, > but I wanted to gather all my customizations in one spot, so that they're > easy to find. > > The recipe doesn't actually build anything, so there's no do_build task. > > This is surely something that is commonly wanted. > > Here's my current recipe, in spectra-postbuild_0.1.bb. > > When I try to build an image, the build fails with > ERROR: QA Issue: spectra-postbuild: Files/directories were installed but not > shipped /RELEASE-NOTES.txt > > When I disable the installed-vs-shipped QA test, it fails later when it > can't find a package file.
In general, disabling installed-vs-shipped is not the right thing to do. What it's trying to tell you is that you've installed a file in do_install and then haven't packaged it in any package, which means it can never end up in the final image. FYI we've been putting together a section for the manual in the upcoming 1.7 release that attempts to explain each warning and what to do to resolve it; here is a preview: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.7/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#ref-qa-checks If "fails later when it can't find a package file" means during do_rootfs, this is almost certainly because the package ended up empty and thus wasn't created (we don't create empty packages unless ALLOW_EMPTY for the package is set to "1", but generally the fix is to ensure the files you expect to be packaged into the package are actually packaged). Cheers, Paul -- Paul Eggleton Intel Open Source Technology Centre -- _______________________________________________ yocto mailing list yocto@yoctoproject.org https://lists.yoctoproject.org/listinfo/yocto