On 26/05/2014 11:39, Alex J Lennon wrote:
> On 25/05/2014 21:51, Alexandru Vaduva wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Sorry for my late response, I put on pause the investigation with
>> this bug.
>> Hope to return to it next month (or at least after 13 June).
>> Right now in my head there are more questions then answers regarding
>> this bug, so I cannot really help.
>> A quick suggestion would be to inspect the config.txt for raspbian
>> for example
>> and investigate the differences.
>> Also try GPU_MEM = "256" just to make a confirmation of my assumption
>> that
>> something is missing.
> Thanks Alex. I will try that. I'm going to have another look today and
> see if I can get to the bottom of it

Hi Alex,

I've been taking a look at various things. I don't have a solution
though unfortunately at present

- The GPU_MEM = "256" doesn't help unfortunately

- The raspivid call is failing here, when it tries to instantiate a
camera component




This seems to be because there is no supplier registered for the camera
component. Why I am not sure...


As I was investigating this I came across OpenMAX Bellagio which seems
to provide an intermediary registry of OpenMax components.

I'm not sure whether this relates to the RaspiVid issue but I believe it
does relate to an issue I am seeing when I try to run a Gstreamer pipeline

gst-launch-0.10 -v videotestsrc pattern=smpte !
'video/x-raw-rgb,width=1920,height=1080' ! omx_h264enc ! rpth264pay !
udpsink= port=5000
OMX-Component not found with current ST static component loader.

Now apparently we are supposed to have run omxregister-bellagio which
registers up components.

(omxregister-bellagio is provided by the
poky/meta/recipes-multimedia/libomxil recipe.)

On Raspbian there are a set of components registered with bellagio, and
provided by individual libomx-foo packages.
(e.g. libomxvideosrc.so, libomxfbdev.so, libomxclocksrc.so,
libomxcamera.so, libomxaudio_effects.so, libomxxvideo.so)


These are missing on my Yocto Poky RPi image.

It looks as though at some time in the past these components may have
been present in the core bellagio build, but then at some point they
were broken out into separate components tarballs.

e.g. http://sourceforge.net/projects/omxil/files/components/

I can't see recipes for these anywhere so I am wondering if they need to
be added in...



Looking at

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