On 4/20/14, 7:15 AM, Alex J Lennon wrote:
I'm trying to put in place a development workflow using the PR server,
RPM package feeds and smart update/install on a target.
I see that when I modify and rebuild my recipe, foo, the PR server
increments its count within the RPM filename, but the RPM feed data
doesn't seem to update.
So if I am understanding the above correctly, when I make a change to a
recipe and build it, PR automatically
updates, the old RPM is removed and the new RPM added to the feed
directory. However the package index
for the feed is not updated.
So if at that point I try to make use of the feed on a target I am
likely to find something is broken.
The feed is normally indexed (createrepo) either when you manually run the
package-index operation, or when you construct a filesystem. Until you do that,
the feed directories are transient.
If that is true would it make sense to leave the old RPM in the feed
directory until package-index
is re-ran, or to run package-index automatically at the end of a build
when RPMs have changed?
I -never- export the feed directories from the project directory. Instead, I
copy the packages from the feed directory to where I share them, and then run
the indexer against the external repository. This preserves the older versions
and also makes the new ones available.
To run the indexer I have to configure and run it manually...
--update -q <path to feed>
So for qemux86_64, I end up running the above three times. all, x86_64 and
Then on the target I just do:
smart update
smart upgrade -y
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