Thank you Michael! Worked as a charm!

2014-04-16 18:48 GMT-03:00 Michael Halstead <>:

>  On 04/16/2014 02:15 PM, Ronaldo Nunez wrote:
> Hi all!
>  I'm trying to create a custom recipe to a proprietary software from my
> company. The code should be fetched from a git server, with username and
> password authentication through a http connection (port 8080).
>  From the terminal I use the following command line to clone the project:
>  $ git clone http://username:pass@server:8080/project.git
>  well in the bitbake recipe, I tried the following in SRC_URI variable,
> with no success:
>  SRC_URI = 
> "git://username:pass@server:8080/project.git;protocol=http"<git://username:pass@server:8080/project.git;protocol=http>
>  I also tried:
>  SRC_URI = "git://server:8080/project.git;protocol=http;user=username"
> It isn't mentioned at
>  looking at
>  seems that including the password as part of the user parameter should
> work.
> For example,
> "git://server:8080/project.git;protocol=http;user=username:password"
> Michael Halstead
> Yocto Project / Sys Admin
>  Again, with no success.
>  Well, any help is welcome. Thanks in advance.
>  --
> Ronaldo Nunez
> --
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