Mr. Beiser—

I don’t think the specifics you want have been written down. We haven’t 
investigated using Eclipse for cross-development with Galileo, but it seems 
reasonable to expect that you should be able to follow the instructions in the 
Quark Board Support Package Guide to build a toolchain.  Where you will 
encounter trouble is getting Eclipse to download, run and debug software on the 
Galileo board— which has a custom serial port protocol for communicating with 
the Arduino IDE for Galileo that basically supports downloading sketches and 
installing new capsule firmware images, and that’s it.

james woodyatt <<>>
Software Architect, New Devices Group

On Mar 31, 2014, at 4:23, Beiser, Roy 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Jessica,

I’m looking for a document which will describe how to set-up Eclipse on Ubuntu 
12.04 for cross-compiling applications for Galileo.
The standard Yocto documents (like the one attached) are lacking the specifics 
for Galileo .


Roy Beiser
Network Engineer, CCIE #22724, PMP
IT / Network Access Engineering
Telephone : +972-8-612-6200
Mobile      : +972-547-886-200

Intel Electronics Ltd.

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