On 24/01/2014 13:46, "Brian Hutchinson" <b.hutch...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Barros Pena, Belen
><belen.barros.p...@intel.com> wrote:
>On 23/01/2014 21:09, "Nicolas Dechesne" <nicolas.deche...@linaro.org>
>>On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Brian Hutchinson <b.hutch...@gmail.com>
>>> Yes, but:
>>> 1.  I don't think package-index is image specific ... its just a list
>>> everything that has been bitbaked on the box (which doesn't equate to
>>> particular image ... it's the net of all the packages from all the
>>> that have been built thus far if I'm not mistaken ... it main use is so
>>> feeds work and the the target know what packages are available).
>>> 2.  I felt like this was probably something common and a way already
>>> so I thought I should ask in case I missed something before I wasted
>>> re-inventing the wheel.
>>> Based on the responses so far ... it looks like this might not be as
>>> a request as I thought!
>>no. i think it is very common, and it's the purpose of 'buildhistory',
>>as mentioned already. for each image generated, you will get (among
>>other things)
>>list of all packages with version, sizes, ..
>I know this will not help, since we are still building Toaster. But is it
>something like this
>you are thinking of? I would be interested in hearing if this would give
>you what you need.
>Hi Belén,
>That is VERY nice!  I like it.

Thanks, Brian. That is very encouraging :)

>I'm looking for something a bit simpler though ... just want to be able
>to have a text file with the package names and their versions that we can
>either include as a file or copy paste in our release
> notes since we have to keep up with this (and license info.) for every
>release we do.
>How did you generate the html for that?

What you looked at is only a prototype of the Toaster interface. Toaster
is an utility you can run alongside the build system. It collects
information about the build process and the artefacts generated, stores it
in a database, and presents it in a web interface. We are currently
building the web interface, but the back end of Toaster is already in
place. The back end comes with a rest API which in theory you could use to
collect the package, package version and license for a certain image, as
long as you had Toaster running during the build.

The API specification is here:


Instructions on how to Toaster are here:

>Looks like buildhistory is what I need to be looking into from the
>responses so far.

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