Can someone please share with me the forecast (or any info) on whether
the Yocto Project Kernel methodology will be picked up by additional non
Intel cores / companies in 2014 or beyond?
I was just reviewing the available branches in linux-yocto-dev and
linux-yocto-3.10, and I see that the overwhelming majority of them are
for Intel chipsets / development boards.
It seems to me that the methodology documented in the Yocto Project
Kernel manuals is well thought out and useful. However, due to the
cores that I have chosen to use to date, it's just been something I
browse through and forget about.
I think it would be great if all the Yocto member companies that are
deploying processors would jump on board and support their kernel(s) the
same way.
Any information regarding this will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
yocto mailing list