Hit the send too early. My questions are: What kernel versions and what BSPs of Yocto support the CONFIG_I2C_KEMPLD? We are using Linux Kernel 3.8.4 but we found a link saying KEMPLD is supported in a Linux kernel version as high as 3.1.2.
Anyone out there know about this? (see below for first part) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Bill Martin <billmartin...@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 3:54 PM Subject: Kontron CONFIG_I2C_KEMPLD support in Fish River Island 2? Or Crownbay? To: yocto@yoctoproject.org We are in need of enabling the CONFIG_I2C_KEMPLD for a build for our Kontron (architecture is x86). We have been using the Crownbay BSP. But of course I did a google search and found patches in the Linux kernel for allowing i2c_kempld. Also these patches were associated with Fish River Island II. I was under the impression that these names "Crownbay," "Fish River Island II" and such were all part of Yocto. The patches I encountered were dated earlier this year and I was assuming the Fish River Island II BSP for our Dylan (9.0.2) build would support I2C
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