I wanted to extract couple of files from tarball which is located SVN
repo,This is a huge
repo and it takes almost hour to get fetched .

I don't want to waste that much of time only to get two files from that
tarball repo

I have got with me python code that will do svn cat but not sure how to put
it in my recipe file.

import tarfilefrom subprocess import Popen, PIPE# Capture the tar file
from subversion
p = Popen(["svn", "cat", "svn+ssh://url/some.tar"], stdout=PIPE)
open(tmp, 'wb').write(p.stdout.read())# Extract the file we want,
saving to current directory
tarfile.open(tmp).extract('dir1/fname.ext', path='dir2'

Can any body point me out how to merger this code in recipe file.


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