On Fri, 2013-12-06 at 14:08 -0500, r10kindsofpeople wrote:
> After some success building my system (crownbay), I'm now trying to
> optimize boot time, so I read up on poky-tiny, created a new layer and
> am trying to build.  I think I've pulled most of my system changes out
> so that I can at least bitbake core-image-minimal, but I'm still not
> able to get past ncurses config and perl.  (ncurses reports autoconf
> errors in widec, perl has undefined references to gcvt, I'm also
> getting complaints about multiple providers for the kernel, etc.)
> Is poky-tiny still active and tested?  What are the odds of this being
> resolved in Dora versus the odds of running into other migration
> issues?  

I haven't tried poky-tiny with dylan, but I have with dora and didn't
run into any build problems - the build errors you're running into
aren't things I've seen either.

So maybe you can try with dora and see what happens - if you still run
into problems, please provide some more details on your setup.



> John
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