On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 09:02:47AM +0000, Guenzel, Robert wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently starting to work with Yocto and I am having a bit of a hard 
> time to figure out how the two documented versions of WORKDIR come into 
> existence.
> The doc states:
> """
> For packages that are not dependent on a particular machine, WORKDIR is 
> defined as follows:
>    ${TMPDIR}/work/${PACKAGE_ARCH}-poky-${TARGET_OS}/${PN}/${PV}-${PR}
> [...]
> For packages that are dependent on a particular machine, WORKDIR is defined 
> slightly different:
>   ${TMPDIR}/work/${MACHINE}-poky-${TARGET_OS}/${PN}/${PV}-${PR}
> """
> Now I tried to figure out how a package becomes machine dependent, and I 
> could not find this.
> After poking around in already existing layers and recipes, I think that the 
> doc is misleading.
> It appears to me that only one version exists, which is:
>   ${TMPDIR}/work/${PACKAGE_ARCH}-poky-${TARGET_OS}/${PN}/${PV}-${PR}

The correct definition is:
bitbake.conf:BASE_WORKDIR ?= "${TMPDIR}/work"
bitbake.conf:WORKDIR = 
bitbake.conf:MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS = 

> And in case a package is machine specific, one overrides the default 
> PACKAGE_ARCH with (the undocumented)
> variable MACHINE_ARCH like this:
> (where I believe that MACHINE_ARCH is equal to MACHINE??)

For machines with '-' it isn't.
bitbake.conf:MACHINE_ARCH = "${@[d.getVar('TUNE_PKGARCH', True), 
d.getVar('MACHINE', True)][bool(d.getVar('MACHINE', True))].replace('-', '_')}"

> Which will then lead to a WORKDIR that looks like 
> ${TMPDIR}/work/${MACHINE}-poky-${TARGET_OS}/${PN}/${PV}-${PR}
> (but still is 
> ${TMPDIR}/work/${PACKAGE_ARCH}-poky-${TARGET_OS}/${PN}/${PV}-${PR}).
> (there are some bbclasses that do this, and there are some recipes that do 
> it).

When the recipe is something MACHINE-specific or depends on something
MACHINE-specific it assigns to PACKAGE_ARCH


In some cases it's done automagically, when you have file://foo in
SRC_URI and foo file is taken from path which contains MACHINE, e.g.
when building pointercal recipe for qemux86, this file will be used:
and base.bbclass will detect it and change PACKAGE_ARCH to MACHINE_ARCH
if it isn't already MACHINE_ARCH.

> Being pretty new to Yocto, I have the feeling that I simply got it all wrong, 
> so before posting bugs or something, I'd wanted to know
> if anybody could shed light on this.
> thanks and best regards
>   Robert

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