Stefano Babic <sbabic@...> writes:

> On 19/11/2013 10:59, Jack Lemon wrote:
> > Stefano Babic <sbabic <at> ...> writes:
> > 
> > 
> >> Is it not enough to add SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0" (or which serial
> >> you use as console) to your machine conf ?
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Stefano Babic
> >>
> > 
> > Thank you Stefano for your reply.
> > Does it not any need to edit u-boot source code? just adding SERIAL_CONSOLE
> > = "115200 ttyS0" to local.conf?
> You asked to change your rootfs (initrd, I presume)
> fsl-image-minimal-p1022ds.ext2.gz.u-boot, and setting SERIAL_CONSOLE
> adjusts the parameters for inittab.
> If you want to change u-boot as well (but this is outside
> fsl-image-minimal-*) and you do not want to compile it outside Yocto,
> you have to put the patch you already have in your bsp directory and
> adjust your u-boot receipe.
> Best regards
> Stefano Babic

For Nor-Flash we have only three files(kernel,rootfs,dtb). Where is u-boot?
I think it is inside the fsl-image-minimal-p1022ds.ext2.gz.u-boot rootfs
file. Is it true? 

So, for modifying u-boot to adujst serial boaudrate, I understand that I can
add SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0" to my local.conf according to your reply
and it doesnt need to modify u-boot source code.

Am I in the right place?

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