Hi Martin,

On 24 August 2013 10:11, Martin Jansa <martin.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can see do_configure_append in qtwebkit.inc which is removing bad
> rpath from qmake generated Makefile, this sometimes doesn't work

Yes, I've been seeing the exact same thing. Although this _append
claims to be fixing the rpath issue, I'm still seeing QA issues (which
lead to errors) build packaging qtwebkit.

Interestingly enough, the _append you mention is only trying to fix
QtWebProcess but I'm seeing this rpath error occur on both it and

> Of course the real fix for both issues would be to fix .pri/.prf files
> to prevent incorrect Makefile to be generated at all.

As you, Richard, and everyone else has mentioned it would be nice to
have a "proper" fix instead of things which patch up files afterward.
This is why I like Marek's proposal since it fixes the *.prf file
before the build. Looking through that patch, however, I'm wondering
if it couldn't be a little cleaner? Marek's patch simply comments out
a couple lines. I think it would be cleaner to just remove the lines
that are causing problems and/or investigate whether or not that *.prf
file is actually needed at all in this build environment.

Are there any comments on what Marek has targetted? Would others
consider this a "proper" fix (if the patch were cleaned up)?

Best regards,
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