On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 6:53 AM, Bryan Evenson <beven...@melinkcorp.com> wrote:
> I am working on getting the Yocto Autobuilder setup on a machine to do 
> nightly builds of my image (I'm using yocto-autobuilder/dylan).  However, I'm 
> running into a few problems and I'm looking for some help.
> First, here is the configuration that I have setup so far for my nightly 
> build.  I would like to build core-image-minimal for qemuarm and for the 
> at91sam9x5ek machine that is provided by the meta-atmel layer.
> [nightly-atmel]
> builders: 'builder1'
> repos: [{'poky':
>             {'repourl':'git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky',
>                  'layerversion':{'core':'meta', 'yoctobsp':'meta-yocto-bsp'},
>              'branch':'dylan'}},
>         {'meta-atmel':
>             {'repourl':'git://github.com/evensonbryan/meta-atmel',
>              'branch':'master'}},
>         {'meta-openembedded':
>             {'repourl':'git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded',
>              'branch':'dylan'}}]
> steps: [{'SetDest':{}},
>         {'CheckOutLayers': {}},
>         {'RunPreamble': {}},
>         {'GetDistroVersion' : {'distro': 'poky'}},
>         {'CreateAutoConf': {'machine': 'qemuarm', 'SDKMACHINE' : 'i686', 
> 'distro': 'poky', 'buildhistory' : True}},
>         {'CreateBBLayersConf': {'buildprovider' : 'yocto'}},
>         {'SyncPersistDB' : {'distro' : 'poky'}},
>         {'BuildImages': {'images': 'core-image-minimal'}},
>         {'RunSanityTests': {'images': 'core-image-minimal'}},
>         {'CreateAutoConf': {'machine': 'at91sam9x5ek', 'SDKMACHINE' : 'i686', 
> 'distro': 'poky'}},
>         {'BuildImages': {'images': 'core-image-minimal'}},
>         {'SyncPersistDB' : {'commit' : True, 'distro':'poky'}},
>         {'PublishLayerTarballs':{}},
>         {'PublishArtifacts': {'artifacts': ['qemuarm', 'at91sam9x5ek', 
> 'ipk']}}]
> I modified yoctoAB.conf to only include this build in its build sets.  Other 
> than I have not modified any other configuration.
> 1. Besides the README files that comes with Autobuilder, is there any more 
> documentation somewhere that details how to setup Autobuilder?

There isn't much documentation other than reading lib/autobuilder/*.
It's something I'm working on fixing over the next few weeks.

One thing to not though. This looks like old autobuilder config. You
should update the ab to current master.

> Most of the details I've seen on the Yocto Project website discuss the output 
> from the Yocto Project's own Autobuilder instance, but not much for details 
> on what the different variables in the .conf files mean and what the > 
> options are (and a place to contribute answers to the following questions).

Right here. I more than welcome patches.

> 2. The resulting local.conf for the nightly-atmel build has MACHINE set to 
> "qemux86" (MACHINE ??= "qemux86" is the only MACHINE definition in 
> local.conf).  I thought the CreateAutoConf settings should have been
setting this variable to something else. What did I miss?

We don't care about local.conf in autobuilder land. We use auto.conf.
The difference? None really, just parse order.

> 3. The resulting bblayer.conf for this build only includes meta, meta-yocto 
> and meta-yocto-bsp.  I want to add the layers meta-atmel, 
> meta-openembedded/meta-oe and meta-openembedded/meta-networking.  How do I 
> get these layers added to bblayers.conf, and how do I set the order?

{'CreateBBLayersConf': {'buildprovider' : 'yocto', 'layerdirs':
['meta-atmel', 'meta-openembedded/meta-oe',

> 4. I am using poky/dylan-9.0.1 as a base, but I have a few patches that I 
> applied myself.  Namely, there is a 10 patch series applied to poky/master by 
> Chen Qi that I am using to remove tinylogin and use Busybox for password 
> management.  How do I tell Autobuilder to apply these patches on top of 
> poky/dylan-9.0.1?

I assume you have a git repo with 9.0.1 and these 10 patches? If so,
do it in the repo definition for poky

> 5. I am getting the following errors when the autobuilder attempts to build 
> qemu-native:
> In file included from 
> /media/sda3/yocto-autobuilder/yocto-slave/nightly-atmel/build/build/tmp/work/i686-linux/qemu-native/1.4.0-r0/qemu-1.4.0/linux-user/syscall.c:3705:0:
> /media/sda3/yocto-autobuilder/yocto-slave/nightly-atmel/build/build/tmp/work/i686-linux/qemu-native/1.4.0-r0/qemu-1.4.0/linux-user/ioctls.h:189:1:
>  error: 'SNDCTL_DSP_MAPINBUF' undeclared here (not in a function)
> /media/sda3/yocto-autobuilder/yocto-slave/nightly-atmel/build/build/tmp/work/i686-linux/qemu-native/1.4.0-r0/qemu-1.4.0/linux-user/ioctls.h:190:1:
>  error: 'SNDCTL_DSP_MAPOUTBUF' undeclared here (not in a function)
> /media/sda3/yocto-autobuilder/yocto-slave/nightly-atmel/build/build/tmp/work/i686-linux/qemu-native/1.4.0-r0/qemu-1.4.0/linux-user/ioctls.h:245:1:
>  error: 'SOUND_MIXER_ACCESS' undeclared here (not in a function)
> I remember having similar issues when trying to setup Yocto ADT for my system 
> and that I had to do "bitbake -c populate_sdk core-image-minimal" first.  Do 
> I need to do something similar before building for qemuarm?

You shouldn't. This sounds like you're not using the toolchain you
built out maybe?

> If so, how do I tell the Autobuilder to do it?

You'll need to source the env setup for the toolchain in your bashrc

> 6. I have not included it yet, but I have my own layer for a few of my own 
> applications.  We are using Subversion for our version control system, so my 
> layer is stored in a Subversion repository.  After looking at 
> yocto-autobuilder/lib/python-2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps/CheckOutLayers.py,
>  it looks like the Autobuilder requires all layers to be in a Git repository. 
>  What would it take to add compatiblity for a layer residing in a Subversion 
> repository?

Hrmmm.... CheckOutLayers is a bit special and only supports git right
now. Let me think about the best way to do this. It will take a little
bit of work to do it right. Could you open a bug on this?


Elizabeth Flanagan
Yocto Project
Build and Release
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