Hi Jay,

On Thursday 05 September 2013 10:20:41 JC wrote:
> ERROR: ParseError at
> /media/yocto/yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/libgee/libgee.
> inc:12: Could not inherit file classes/vala.bbclass
> ERROR: Command execution failed: Exited with 1
> If this is not something you get with a head checkout of poky,
> meta-raspberrypi and meta-openembedded, I can retry a new fresh git
> clone to test again...

This looks to me like the branch you have checked out of meta-oe does not 
match up with the branch of poky. If you are using the "dylan" branch of poky 
you need to be using the "dylan" branch of meta-oe and meta-raspberrypi.



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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