The python script, reads the list of questions and
answers from the config file and edits the REQUIRE_DISTRO field for those
questions in the questions file so that it includes "Yocto" if it is not
already present. This has the effect of causing Bastille, when loading
questions for the Yocto distribution, to load only those that are answered
in the existing config file. Under the assumption that the exisitng config
file contains question/answer pairs that are relevant to the Yocto project,
this will cause the interactive question screen to have answers that are
relevant to the Yocto project.

Signed-off-by: mulhern <>
 recipes-security/bastille/        |    3 +
 .../bastille/files/       |  135 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 138 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 recipes-security/bastille/files/

diff --git a/recipes-security/bastille/ 
index 8969f6b..1c924e7 100644
--- a/recipes-security/bastille/
+++ b/recipes-security/bastille/
@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@ do_install () {
        install -m 0644 OSMap/HP-UX.service    ${D}${datadir}/Bastille/OSMap
        install -m 0644 OSMap/OSX.bastille    ${D}${datadir}/Bastille/OSMap
        install -m 0644 OSMap/OSX.system    ${D}${datadir}/Bastille/OSMap
+       ${THISDIR}/files/ ${WORKDIR}/config Questions
        install -m 0777 ${WORKDIR}/config ${D}${sysconfdir}/Bastille/config
        for file in `cat Modules.txt` ; do
diff --git a/recipes-security/bastille/files/ 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a432dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-security/bastille/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse, os, shutil, sys, tempfile
+from os import path
+def get_config(lines):
+  """
+  From a sequence of lines retrieve the question file name, question identifier
+  pairs.
+  """
+  for l in lines:
+    if not l.startswith("#"):
+      try:
+        (coord, value) = l.split("=")
+        try:
+          (fname, ident) = coord.split(".")
+          yield fname, ident
+        except ValueError as e:
+          raise ValueError("Badly formatted coordinates %s in line %s." % 
(coord, l.strip()))
+      except ValueError as e:
+        raise ValueError("Skipping badly formatted line %s, %s" % (l.strip(), 
+def check_contains(line, name):
+  """
+  Check if the value field for REQUIRE_DISTRO contains the given name.
+  @param name line The REQUIRE_DISTRO line
+  @param name name The name to look for in the value field of the line.
+  """
+  try:
+    (label, distros) = line.split(":")
+    return name in distros.split()
+  except ValueError as e:
+    raise ValueError("Error splitting REQUIRE_DISTRO line: %s" % e)
+def add_requires(the_ident, distro, lines):
+  """
+  Yield a sequence of lines the same as lines except that where
+  the_ident matches a question identifier change the REQUIRE_DISTRO so that
+  it includes the specified distro.
+  @param name the_ident The question identifier to be matched.
+  @param name distro The distribution to added to the questions REQUIRE_DISTRO
+                     field.
+  @param lines The sequence to be processed.
+  """
+  for l in lines:
+    yield l
+    if l.startswith("LABEL:"):
+      try:
+        (label, ident) = l.split(":")
+        if ident.strip() == the_ident:
+          break
+      except ValueError as e:
+        raise ValueError("Unexpected line %s in questions file." % l.strip())
+  for l in lines:
+    if l.startswith("REQUIRE_DISTRO"):
+      if not check_contains(l, distro):
+        yield l.rstrip() + " " + distro + "\n"
+      else:
+        yield l
+      break;
+    else:
+      yield l
+  for l in lines:
+    yield l
+def xform_file(qfile, distro, qlabel):
+  questions_in = open(qfile)
+  questions_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+  for l in add_requires(qlabel, distro, questions_in):
+    questions_out.write(l)
+  questions_out.close()
+  questions_in.close()
+  shutil.move(, qfile)
+def handle_args(parser):
+  parser.add_argument('config_file',
+                      help = "Configuration file path.")
+  parser.add_argument('questions_dir',
+                      help = "Directory containing Questions files.")
+  parser.add_argument('--distro', '-d',
+                      help = "The distribution, the default is Yocto.",
+                      default = "Yocto")
+  return parser.parse_args()
+def check_args(args):
+  args.config_file = os.path.abspath(args.config_file)
+  args.questions_dir = os.path.abspath(args.questions_dir)
+  if not os.path.isdir(args.questions_dir):
+    raise ValueError("Specified Questions directory %s does not exist or is 
not a directory." % args.questions_dir)
+  if not os.path.isfile(args.config_file):
+    raise ValueError("Specified configuration file %s not found." % 
+def main():
+  opts = handle_args(argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A simple script that 
sets required questions based on the question/answer pairs in a configuration 
+  try:
+    check_args(opts)
+  except ValueError as e:
+    sys.exit("Fatal error: %s" % e)
+  try:
+    config_in = open(opts.config_file)
+    for qfile, qlabel in get_config(config_in):
+      questions_file = os.path.join(opts.questions_dir, qfile + ".txt")
+      xform_file(questions_file, opts.distro, qlabel)
+    config_in.close()
+  except IOError as e:
+    sys.exit("Fatal error reading config file: %s" % e)
+  except ValueError as e:
+    sys.exit("Fatal error: %s" % e)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main()

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