On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 05:51:59PM +1200, Christian Gagneraud wrote:
> CC: meta-ar...@arago-project.org
> On 19/08/13 17:16, Khem Raj wrote:
> >
> >On Aug 18, 2013, at 7:34 PM, Christian Gagneraud <chg...@gna.org> wrote:
> >
> >>Hi all,
> >>
> >>I'm having problems with the GCC SVN repo being so slow to checkout, that 
> >>svn failed (and so my build too).
> >>I first suspected the proxy we have here, but i tried a checkout from an 
> >>outside machine (but still in New Zealand) and it seems the problem comes 
> >>from gcc.gnu.org.
> >>
> >>I am using the arago layer, which requires 
> >>svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches;module=gcc-4_5-branch;protocol=http for 
> >>gcc-crosssdk-intermediate.
> >>
> >>By slow, I really mean slow: 1 to 2 files are checkout per second!?!
> >>
> >>Has anyone encountered the same kind of problems?
> >
> >
> >thats a known issue and one of pressing reasons to not use svn version on 
> >later versions if you see new recipes
> >best case you could hit a mirror from yocto project and download the source 
> >mirror
> From the logs, I can see that bitbake is trying (among others):
> downloads.yoctoproject.org
> sources.openembedded.org
> but hits a 404, so it fall-backs to GCC's SVN repo directly.
> On the side, from the bitbake logs, I end up with a rather obscure error:
> svn: E175002: REPORT of '/svn/gcc/!svn/vcc/default': 200 OK
> (http://gcc.gnu.org)
> When trying a checkout manually from the outside machine, it fails
> too, but the error message is a bit more friendly:
> svn: REPORT of '/svn/gcc/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read response
> body: connection was closed by server (http://gcc.gnu.org)
> I found plenty of "black magic" workarounds on the web while looking
> for the strange "Error: [...] 200 OK", among them was to increase
> Apache time out! Which won't even really solve my problem, because
> the checkout will takes hours, if not days!
> Right now, I'm really stuck. The only solutions I can think of are:
> - Ask kindly Arago not to use GCC code from SVN, or maybe to upload
> an archive on yocto/oe mirrors.
> - Check with GNU/GCC guys if they can do something about it (maybe
> it's a temporary issue with their server)
> - Wait and see, cross my fingers. :(


I'm just wondering why do you even need gcc-4.5? Unless you specifically use  
gcc-4.5 based toolchain with meta-arago. That is the only reason I keep 
gcc-4.5 recipes in meta-arago to support old products with old toolchains. 
We've moved to 4.7 Linaro quite some time ago - when you use that, you won't  
need to download 4.5 version.

If you really need gcc-4.5 and it's not just a misconfiguration, then I have 
a tarball available that can be uploaded to a mirror...

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