Hi Thomas,

On 2 Aug 2013, at 08:22, Tomas Frydrych wrote:

> On 01/08/13 19:53, Chris Tapp wrote:
>> I think it is ;-) I think I'll still need to use ipxe as I need to be
>> able to boot without DHCP support as well.
> Depends on the bios, if your machine's bios supports PXE, then you do
> not need ipxe, just a tftp server set up on the LAN that serves PXELinux.

My case is a bit more complicated as I also can't have non-secure (t)ftp! Are 
you saying that PXE can work without DHCP/BOOTP?

> I am wondering if having a thin meta-pxe layer would be useful to pull
> some of this together both code and people interested, or whether we
> should aim adding this functionality to OE-core?

I think this could be made a general use-case. A meta-layer sounds sensible to 
get it going - this could then be added to OE-core later if that makes sense.

It would benefit from some scripting support in the image to personalise it as 
it boots (e.g. setting IP configuration, hostname, etc.) - I'm currently 
looking to do this by passing parameters back from the server through the 
kernel command line.

Chris Tapp


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