
I'm curious if there is a way to tell a package recipe that its resulting 
package output is dependent on the pieces it's assembling. The scenario I have 
is as follows. I created a series of recipes that assemble an externally built 
executable, and some configurations files that are local to the recipe:


    SRC_URI = "file://<path to xyz-app executable> \

    do_install () {
        <make the required directories>
        <put the files in their places>


    POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL += "xyz-app"

This setup works for assembling all the pieces I need, but unless the app 
recipe revision gets bumped, it's not able to tell when the xyz-app executable 
or xyz-app.config get changed and create a new xyz-app package file. Is there a 
way to tell the recipe that there is a dependency for its output package on the 
contents of the SRC_URI line without having to bump the revision?

These used to be assembled in an image preprocess command, but I wanted to 
break out some pieces, that are common to multiple images, into their own 
recipes in a common layer. In the prior model, all the apps and their config 
files (that were local to the image recipe) were assembled every time the image 
was bitbaked. Now that they are in their own recipes, some sort of dependency 
is required to re-create the package file that the image is bringing in.


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