On 24 July 2013 14:56, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com> wrote:
> I'm [still] trying to set up a package for Amanda.  I'd like
> the end result to match how it's done on other systems, e.g.
> my desktop Fedora box.  However, this layout is causing some
> QA errors which I don't know how to fix, e.g.
> ERROR: QA Issue: non debug package contains .debug directory: amanda path
> /work/armv7a-vfp-neon-amltd-linux-gnueabi/amanda/3.3.3-r0/packages-split/amanda/usr/lib/perl/5.14.2/auto/Amanda/MainLoop/.debug/libMainLoop.so

This is resolved by fiddling with your FILES lines, the problem being
that PN is packaging that entire tree when it should be split up.
$PN-dbg collects files before $PN so you can add something like
"$(libdir)/perl/*/auto/Amanda/*/.debug" to FILES_$PN-dbg and $PN will
continue to take the rest.

> ERROR: QA Issue: non -dev/-dbg/-nativesdk package contains symlink .so:
> amanda path
> '/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-amltd-linux-gnueabi/amanda/3.3.3-r0/packages-split/amanda/usr/lib/amanda/libamar.so'

I'm curious, what does the symlink point to?  It's possible that we
can refine the check to reduce the number of false positives, because
this is a fairly common one that needs to be skipped.

You can skip this QA test by setting INSANE_SKIP.  In this case,
INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "dev-so" (you can identify the tag to use by
looking through classes/insane.bbclass for the error message).

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