We have been redesigning the Hob feature that we used to call 'templates'
for implementation during 1.5

If you'd like to have a look at what we are thinking, you can check the
bugzilla feature


and the document attached to it:


Work in progress still, so feedback welcome.


On 02/04/2013 18:03, "Barros Pena, Belen" <belen.barros.p...@intel.com>

>On 02/04/2013 16:50, "Trevor Woerner" <twoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 6:21 AM, Barros Pena, Belen
>><belen.barros.p...@intel.com> wrote:
>>> But it seems to me there is
>>> more interesting stuff buried somewhere in your answer, so I hope it's
>>> if I dig a little deeper.
>>> I think I might have asked the wrong question. Let's forget about the
>>> "template" for a moment, and ask something a bit different: of the
>>> you select / configure when building an image with Hob, what would be
>>> useful to save for reuse? Once we determine that, we can discuss how it
>>> should be called ("template" could be the wrong word).
>>When I use Hob to click on things here and there, I'm usually just
>>playing around; just trying out some things. When I find some
>>combination of things that I like, my instinct would be to
>>compartmentalize that off into a layer: a particular grouping of
>>packages would either be a DISTRO or an image, building something for
>>a particular development board would be a BSP or a MACHINE (etc).
>>In other words I think the "layer" concept completely captures
>>whatever it is you're trying to capture with "templates".
>>If you're looking to integrate this functionality into Hob, maybe you
>>need to look at some way of creating layers? Perhaps a user could save
>>their package configuration as a DISTRO or in an image layer?
>I like this answer much more :) Thanks, Trevor! This really helps.
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