Hi there,

We are starting the development of a product based on TI DM814x SoC and
considering using Yocto to base our development on.

Unfortunately, TI does has only included support for this SoC on a derivative
of the 2.6.37 kernel and has not pushed the SoC specifics upstream to
mainline, so we are stuck to use that kernel as we cannot engage in porting
all the support to a newer kernel at this time.

I am new to Yocto, but as far as I got from the documentation versions 1.2
and 1.3 use a 3.4 kernel as the supported kernel. Would Yocto work with a
2.6.37 kernel or are new features that have been introduced in newer kernel
version required to run Yocto 1.2 or 1.3?



Diego Santa Cruz, PhD
Technology Architect
SpinetiX S.A.
Rue des Terreaux 17
1003, Lausanne, Switzerland
T +41 21 341 15 50
F +41 21 311 19 56

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