Hello Beth,

Would you mind taking a look on these changes? Obviously they are meant 
post-dylan release, 
but I sent them earlier so you can have time to review and request changes.
It would be great to have them in 1.5 and I plan on adding even more builds 
(especially for multilib images and ipk images which proved tricky with 
postinstalls and systemd).


The following changes since commit 0178163efc6670c9acb982dd579671396cb24290:

  PublishLayerTarballs.py: bad redirect. (2013-04-22 22:56:58 -0700)

are available in the git repository at:

  git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib stefans/yab0

Stefan Stanacar (6):
  nightly-qa-extras.conf: add new buildset config
  CreateAutoConf.py: add initmgr option
  buildset-config/nightly-qa-systemd.conf: add a new target for systemd
  nightly.conf, yoctoAB.conf: enable the new buildsets
  buildsteps/RunSanityTests.py: add suport for custom steps
  CreateAutoConf.py: add option for package types

 buildset-config/nightly-qa-extras.conf               | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 buildset-config/nightly-qa-systemd.conf              | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 buildset-config/nightly.conf                         |  3 ++-
 buildset-config/yoctoAB.conf                         |  3 ++-
 .../autobuilder/buildsteps/CreateAutoConf.py         | 20 +++++++++++++++++++-
 .../autobuilder/buildsteps/RunSanityTests.py         |  3 +++
 6 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 buildset-config/nightly-qa-extras.conf
 create mode 100644 buildset-config/nightly-qa-systemd.conf


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