On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 12:50 AM, Rudolf Streif
<rstr...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> Removing sstate triggered a rebuilt of qemu-native which also includes
> running the configure task again whose output sets the switch whether or not
> Qemu is built with video support. Apparently the first time you built it it
> could not find libsdl-devel on your host but the second time it could. But
> of course I cannot tell you why that happened. Do you still have the logs?
> Did you install libsdl-devel between the two attempts?

Unfortunately the logs are long lost; I clean out TMPDIR quite
regularly (but retain sstate). This makes perfect sense and is most
likely what happened; I probably noticed I was missing libSDL-devel
when I built qemu from git by hand :-) In any case restoring my old
sstate and doing

    $ bitbake -c cleansstate qemu-native
    $ bitbake -c cleansstate nativesdk-qemu

cleaned everything up for me.

Should YP be trying to build its own copy of libSDL (with the -devel)
if it finds some part of libSDL (i.e. the header files) is missing
from the host? This is almost like a "host contamination" issue, no?
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