I'm not sure if this is specific to my host, but:

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION        = "1.17.1"
BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING   = "openSUSE-project-12.3"
TARGET_SYS        = "i586-poky-linux"
MACHINE           = "qemux86"
DISTRO            = "poky"
DISTRO_VERSION    = "1.3+snapshot-20130317"
TUNE_FEATURES     = "m32 i586"
TARGET_FPU        = ""
meta-yocto-bsp    = "master:1ceb13dda11645229053fc4840954333f8910ba4"

ERROR: Function failed: BUILDSPEC (see
for further information)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing python function sstate_task_prefunc
| DEBUG: Python function sstate_task_prefunc finished
| DEBUG: Executing python function do_package_write_rpm
| DEBUG: Executing python function read_subpackage_metadata
| DEBUG: Python function read_subpackage_metadata finished
| DEBUG: Executing python function do_package_rpm
| DEBUG: Executing python function write_specfile
| NOTE: Not creating empty RPM package for neard-tests
| NOTE: Creating RPM package for neard-dbg
| NOTE: Not creating empty RPM package for neard-staticdev
| NOTE: Creating RPM package for neard-dev
| NOTE: Not creating empty RPM package for neard-doc
| NOTE: Not creating empty RPM package for neard-locale
| NOTE: Creating RPM package for neard
| NOTE: Creating RPM package for neard
| DEBUG: Python function write_specfile finished
| DEBUG: SITE files ['endian-little', 'bit-32', 'ix86-common',
'common-linux', 'common-glibc', 'i586-linux', 'common']
| DEBUG: Executing shell function BUILDSPEC
| error: line 152: Illegal char '-' in EVR: Suggests: neard =
| error: Package has no %description: neard-dbg.i586
| Building target platforms: i586-poky-linux
| DEBUG: Python function do_package_rpm finished
| DEBUG: Python function do_package_write_rpm finished
| ERROR: Function failed: BUILDSPEC (see
for further information)
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