On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Bruce Ashfield
<bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com> wrote:
> On 13-03-14 12:52 PM, Insop Song wrote:

> This patch looks ok, what are the differences from your original
> layer ? I've already imported changes from there, so I'd just
> like to hear about differences between the two.

do_configure with --with-deadline option fails, that's why I've added
a patch to set "deadline" option by default instead of getting it from

I've tried to figure out the do_configure failure but was not able to
figure it out.
You can try this without my patch and add "--with-deadline" to configure.

> I also have schedtool staged in the tree already, if you wait
> until tomorrow, I can push that tree and you can test and extend
> that base.

Sounds good.


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