Attendees: ScottR, BruceA, Jessica, TomZ, PaulE, BjörnS, JeffP, DarrenH, Richard, Belen, KevinS, ChrisL, LaurentiuP, DaveST, CristianI, NitinK, Corneliu, RossB, AlexG, ChrisK, SaulW, AlexD, SeanH, SongL
Agenda: * Opens collection - 5 min (Song) * Yocto Project 1.3.1 status - 10 min (Ross) - Ross: planning to kicking off the build today. * Yocto 1.4 status - 10 min (Song/team) . M4 date: 17th, cutoff for features, we still have M5 as a development milestone before stabilization in M6. . AlexG: a little bit of delay due to late M3 RC2, RC2 was out last Friday, test report will be out this Thursday. . Master: Saul, looking pretty green now. Next build for RP. We will run 1.3.1 build next. Then we will be back to weekly test cycle. .RP: we put a lot of effort into getting autobuilder green. We are good now. We still have two issues. Freescale arm build. There are also the Cedar Trail problems. Matthew is looking at the fix, should be sometime today (3717). * SWAT team rotation: Laurentiu Palcu -> Nitin Kamble - Saul: thanks for everyone doing SWAT. We are getting traction. You don't need to file bugs on master-next build. It sends email. But will talk to Beth. We may not need to send emails for master-next build errors. When you find problems, it would be better to look into it, describe the issue more a little more clearly rather than copy and paste while opening bugs. * Opens - 10 min - Corneliu: what the test result will look on wiki. Working with Michael, showing an example: Would like to have feedback. Michael: thanks for Corneliu, he fixed some bugs in media wiki extension in the process of setting this up. - Chris/Tobia: user test result. A couple of weeks we completed first round on phase I. we got some outstanding feedback. Very helpful. We come up with another round of design. Creating and running build, working with projects, etc. Review the new design next week. If anyone who could do a remote session about 30 minutes, provide feedback, it will be super helpful. Get in touch with me if you are interested:<>. The result we got is on the HOB wiki:, Stage 3: refine metrics. Doing this at the same as stage 2. * Team Sharing - 20 min - Daren: last night, send a post about updating proxy, a number of changes there. Some pluming, there is a new script handling proxy over socks, https. Anyone who can review and testing, would be great. Welcome feedback - CristianI: working on package update on multi-media. New release for connman, 1.11. bluez 5. would like to have suggestion how we would like to have this kind of upgrades, mainly on how to test these packages. Not sure how to test some package. Suggestion will be good. Bjorn: there is a test suite in one of the package, could be a candidate for ptest. - Sean: my presentation is accepted for ELC. "Building a distribution with Yocto". 13 YP related presentation including Dave's keynote. - LaurentiuP: chasing down postinstall issues. Last batch of patches submitted to the mailing list, would like people to test it. Issue with testmode? Some issues with using sstate from a building machine, build on your own machine should be fine. Saul: building now, will test it out. RP: appreciate getting these postinstall fixes. This is critical. - Michael: last week created RC2, had a 4 hour donwtime, updated some stable kernel versions. First time AB down and brought up again automatically. AB 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10. Darren: had some issue with qemu, causing some segfault and sanity test issue. Saul is running some test. Upgrading kernel may help. Prospect of getting newer kernel? Michael: possible to do that. We are trying to run stable kernels. Saul: thanks to Michael for doing all these work. LF recommend all projects to require one time pin to elevate authority. It affects people using 'su' to root. Hopefully releasing M3 RC2 this Friday. Song: will schedule release review meeting once we have the test result.
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