Thanks Jessica,

why I tried to use "-c populate-sdk" is because that I can find
"core-image-sato-sdk"  but no "core-image-basic-sdk" available, and my
hardware is a samll jasperforest x86_64 target with 2 serial port and 1
ethernet port only, no display interface.
I'm trying to find if any of following configuration suitable for my kernel
module driver develop/debug:
1. with the x86_64 toolchain sdk installed on my x86_64 host , build my
kernel module driver, then scp ".ko" binary to target for insmod/debugging,
but the problem I have now is the "make" always pointing to /usr/src/3.2.x
kernel source path (my host OS's kernel version), but not the linux-yocto
target kernel (3.4.x) source/header path (and I don't know where's the
proper 3.4.x target kernel header/source files, is it inside tmp/work/...? ) and run the "core-image-basic" on my target, and install the sdk
created with "bitbake core-image-basic -c populate-sdk", but there's no
"/usr/src/.." , "/lib/modules/3.4.x-yocto-stand/build" exist

trying to build the "core-image-sato-sdk to see if that help for target
develop now...


2013/1/31 Zhang, Jessica <>

> Hi Eddy,
> The SDK is meant to be used on development host for cross development
> instead of target.  Sounds like you need an sdk image which contains the
> development tools and needed development library and kernel sources.
>  Please refer to  core-image-sato-sdk for how to customize your image to
> allow your do development work on target.
> Thanks,
> Jessica
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Eddy Lai GMail
> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 5:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [yocto] install and use "bitbake -c populate_sdk"
> Hi,
> I have build and boot the image from USB flash disk with the .hddimg
> created by "bitbake -k core-image-basic"
> have added ssh server inside and make sure the ethernet works well, then
> use "bitbake -c populate_sdk core-image-basic" to create the
> "" under "tmp/deploy/sdk" directory, my plan is to install
> the sdk into the target system and compile my kernel module there, but now
> the problem is:
> 1. even I have 8GB USB flash disk, the .hddimg is 420MB only, "df"
> command from target said there's 85MB available only,
>      but the sdk .sh installer image is about 300MB, how can I "extend"
> the target system to use the rest USB disk space? ( it's FAT file system)
>      or how to modify configuration to force build the .hddimg create
> ~"8GB" file system?
> 2. after that SDK installed into my target system, can I copy (scp) my own
> kernel module driver source code into the target system then
>      make/compile and try insmod/debug the .ko there?
>      or should I install the sdk on host system, then copy only the
> compiled .ko into target system for test/debugging?
> Eddy
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