Illeana, Nitin, Amit, Richard, ScottR, Belen, BruceA, TomZ, LaurentiuP, 
Corneliu, Mark, Björn, Kevin, Saul, Ross, AlexG, JessicaZ, BogdanM, DarrenH, 
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto Project 1.3.1 status - 10 min (Ross)
  - Ross: nothing new. We should be doing a build (will work with Saul), then 
send the build to QA.
  - ScottR: doc changes pulled in? Ross: they are merged.
* Yocto 1.4 status - 10 min (Song/team)
  - M2/M3: All high features are in (LTSI is merged too even though it's been 
approved by the CCB to be rescheduled to M4. Thanks, Bruce!). Close to get the 
full pass report on RC1. AlexG: report will be out tomorrow. No high bugs so 
far, but triage team will do a quick round today, so you may get some new bugs 
coming your way. If it's high, please make sure we fix them asap. If you cannot 
get M3 high done, please do let me know today. Send email to me or the mailing 
list and CC me. Saul: is it possible to have the report before the meeting. 
AlexG: there was some issue so it's delayed a little today. will try in the 
 - Bug fixing: a little better than last week. But still high on # of open 
bugs. Fixed 41, Richard (7), Nitin (5). Good work, team!
  - M4: Thanks to the team. planning is pretty much complete. Cristian, Mihai 
need to move some M3 features, Saul/ScottG have M3 medium+ too.
  - Nitin, what are the M4 dates? feature cutoff: 2/17/2013, RC1: 2/20/2013
  - Milestone planning is our opportunity to look at features on schedule 
closer, and adjust estimation if necessary. We want the estimation to reflect 
our current view on features.
* SWAT team rotation: Bogdan Marinescu -> Laurentiu Palcu
* Opens - 10 min 
  - Bjorn: kernel configuration. I have been working with a couple of meta 
layers, many of them have their own kernels. With the recent kernel manual out, 
wondering if we can create some unified kernel configuration, make something 
that can be migrated to other layers. Anyone has been thinking about this?
  . Bruce: There are some existing things we can use. I have some changes for 
1.4 coming up, could be the next step for this unified kernel config. Darren: 
please send email to the mailing list and CC darren and bruce. There are 2 
config options we can choose from: traditional linux config and linux-yocto 
  . This can be discussed in the mailing list.
  - Corneliu: 2821:Saul: it's related to proxy, we thought it was resolved. We 
should work with Michael on this. Corneliu: What's the procedure we should 
follow before we resolve it, can we disable the error in the testcase?. Song: 
It's medium bug, no others seem to be able to chime in. Take offline with Saul 
* Team Sharing - 20 min
  - RP: Doing some performance work, looking at package build again. Sometime 
pretty slow. Particular on large packages. large number of packages from some 
recipes. Kernel packaging in particular: a number of kernel modules and large 
number of packages. Profiling tasks. Digging through output, where is the 
bottleneck and what is low hanging fruit. One case: code is working, but 
calling something inefficiently. We need ideas how to improve the packaging. 
There are definitely some optimization we can do. Wondering if we can parallel 
the packaging. Open to ideas. Will speak on the mailing list on this.
  - Bjorn: this is something I'm interested.

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