On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Brian Smucker <b...@bsmucker.eu.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> The version of busybox is the same.  I've just temporarily done a bitbake -c
> menuconfig to change one of the options, recompiled using the custom config
> that's generated, and now I want to force its inclusion into
> core-image-minimal.

I see. I think that is a bit unorthodox. (Mostly because I have never
tried it. Is it even supposed to work like you describe? I suppose
not. But that aside ...)

If I were doing this, I would create a busybox bbappend in my meta
layer and override the danny stock do_prepare_config() (in

 96 do_prepare_config () {
 97         sed -e 's#@DATADIR@#${datadir}#g' \
 98                 < ${WORKDIR}/defconfig > ${S}/.config
 99         sed -i -e '/CONFIG_STATIC/d' .config
100         echo "# CONFIG_STATIC is not set" >> .config
101         for i in 'CROSS' 'DISTRO FEATURES'; do echo "### $i"; done >> \
102                 ${S}/.config
103         sed -i -e '${configmangle}' ${S}/.config
104         if test ${DO_IPv4} -eq 0 && test ${DO_IPv6} -eq 0; then
105           # disable networking applets
106           mv ${S}/.config ${S}/.config.oe-tmp
107           awk 'BEGIN{net=0}
108           /^# Networking Utilities/{net=1}
109           /^#$/{if(net){net=net+1}}
110           {if(net==2&&$0 !~ /^#/&&$1){print("# "$1" is not
set")}else{print}}' \
111                   ${S}/.config.oe-tmp > ${S}/.config
112         fi
113 }

> Thanks,
> Brian
> On 1/16/2013 6:13 AM, Autif Khan wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Brian Smucker <b...@bsmucker.eu.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Rudolf,
>>> On 1/15/2013 3:28 PM, Rudolf Streif wrote:
>>>> Brian,
>>>> What are you exactly referring to as "new version"? The package version
>>>> that bitbake builds is defined by the recipe, through the version
>>>> designation in the recipe's file name or through explicitly setting PV.
>>>> I think what you are trying to do is to modify the busybox configuration
>>>> and then recompile and package. Bitbake will not automatically recompile
>>>> after menuconfig. Menuconfig does not invslidate the shared state cache.
>>>> Try
>>>> this:
>>>> bitbake -c menuconfig busybox
>>>> bitbake -c -f compile busybox
>>>> bitbake busybox
>>> So I have done the above.  That is not the question.  Busybox compiles
>>> fine
>>> and the new unstripped busybox is in the
>>> .../yocto/tmp/work/armv4t-poky-linux-gnueabi/busybox-1.20.2-r2/busybox-1.20.2/
>> What is the new version of busybox?
>> What is the full filename of the new recipe that you created to
>> compile a new version of busybox? For example the old one is
>> busybox_1.20.2.bb (in meta/recipes-core/busybox)
>> Also, can you please paste the .bb file in the email
>>> My question is that after compiling busybox, I do
>>> bitbake -c cleansstate core-image-minimal
>>> bitbake core-image-minimal
>>> expecting that the core image generated will contain the new busybox.  It
>>> does not, it contains a busybox copy that was compiled days ago, not the
>>> custom one I just compiled.
>>> Why is this?  How can I force the bitbake to include the newly-compiled
>>> busybox into my minimal image?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brian
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