Ciby (Mentor), Jessica, Sean, MarkH, ChrisL, ChrisK, ScottG, TomZ, KevinS, 
ScottR, BruceA, Corneliu, Saul, Nitin, JeffP, DaveST, BjörnS, Song
-- Thanks to Saul for covering me while I was on vacation.
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto Project 1.2.2 status - 10 min (Scott/AlexG)
  - ScottG:has gone through full pass QA testing. All the issues can be release 
noted. No blockers.
  - Song: listed all the know issues in the IRC channel. No Special concerns 
from the audience.
  - Saul: More patches from Koen (4), what can we do? Sean/Saul: Suggest to 
make them available, get them to the tip of the denzil branches. But Moving 
forward with the plan. Wrapping up 1.2.2. 
  - Song: QA complete, no concerns or blockers. Move ahead with 1.2.2 release. 
Song will send CCB email asking for approval.
* Yocto Project 1.3.1 status - 10 min :
  - Saul: patches are integrated. Ready for QA test. 
  - Song: QA will be done after 1.4 M2/M3 release. If anyone would like to 
suggest more patches, please let Ross ( know.
* Yocto 1.4 status - 10 min (Song/team) 
  - Bug fixing: resolved 51 last week. Thanks to Otavio Salvador (4) from the 
community (, ScottG (11). Good work and thank you all.
  - Feature development (M2/3 cutoff is this coming Sunday): 
    . SMART updater/Mark: code is there and working, a couple of bugs, a couple 
of performance issues related to incremental install and complimentary install. 
Opening bugs to track them in Bugzilla. Other than those. Everything is working.
    .systemd/Saul: patches pending, reworked a little bit. There are still some 
issues. Trying to get this done by the end of this week.
    .wayland/Saul: 3 patches pending, dependency issues. Saul will touch base 
with Ross to get the status, hope to resolve this feature by the end of this 
    . LTSI (Bruce): still underway, pending. Cannot be done for M3.
    . Song: QA is working on the test plan for the above features. Please 
expect working with QA. 
    . Mater status/Saul: RP pulled in last set of consolidated patches. Hoping 
to have a weekly build, and then full QA. Build will be available sometime 
tomorrow (RO/PRC time).
* SWAT team rotation: Radu Moisan -> Constantin Musca 
* Opens - 10 min 
 - ChrisK: Design firm Tobias & Tobias are helping with the design of a web UI 
for analysing builds and images. They are looking for people willing to test & 
give feedback on an early-stage design prototype. Interviews will be conducted 
via phone or Skype and take about 30 minutes. 
    . If you can participate, please email:
  - Bjorn: x-test and x-ptest. have been working on the ptest framework. A week 
ago, it was merged. But a different approache has been merged. It's better if 
we could have only one way.  
    . Saul: this is an oversight. ptest should be the way. Will contact Kai 
Kang to sort this out.
    . Bjorn has a wiki page for this framework:
* Team Sharing - 20 min
 - ScottR: url: People can go 
here to see the kernel development manual. Also sent an email to the yp mailing 
 - Corneliu: tesopia is in its final version. Is a new testcase management 
platform we are going to use from now on. Feel free to ask me if there is any 
questions: Will be adding SMART testcases 
today. Remove zypper testcases. All existing testcases are there.
- Michael: reinstall OS on AB 3/7/9. new OSes and better support. HW error 
happening and been corrected. Added webhob mailing list. Working on testopia 
integration. Had some slight changes and extra testing. Corneliu working with 
me. This week will continue. YP dev day assistant. More information and 
organization on the web site BSP page. 
  - Sean/ScottG/Saul: Yocto Dev day: small budget issue, plan still in the 
work. Will go ahead with the dev day, but likely no hands-on lab, will have 
small focus group discussions. Build system will be setup on individual laptop, 

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