On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Rifenbark, Scott M <
scott.m.rifenb...@intel.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need a description of the SRCPV variable for the YP reference glossary.
>  I have been told that it is generated and not assigned and that it is used
> to define PV values that include the source revisions from an RCS.  By
> default it is set to the following in the conf/bitbake.conf file:
> SRCPV = "${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)}"
> Can anyone provide more information on this variable?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> Scott Rifenbark
> Intel Corporation
> Yocto Project Documentation
> 503.712.2702
> 503.341.0418 (cell)
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Off the top of my head, I know SRCPV is a combination of the VCS type and
revision used in the actual build. Most interestingly, SRCPV will always
contain the real revision used in the build, even if ${AUTOREV} is
specified as the SRCREV for a given package. Note that if a package does
not include SRCPV somewhere within its recipe, I believe setting SRCREV to
${AUTOREV} will have no effect, as ${AUTOREV} by itself simply resolves to
the string "AUTOINC", which does not permute the hash of the recipe.

Note that I'm not really a Yocto expert nor am I sitting with the code in
front of me right now, so someone can jump in if I missed something or got
a detail incorrect.  I don't remember the exact format of the string, but I
want to say its a combination of the VCS name, a Yocto-internal VCS
identification number (just like 1 or 2, not some huge int), and the
revision (be it a hash it git or an integer in SVN or whatever else is used
by a supported VCS).

Kind regards,

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