On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 11:58 +0000, Alex J Lennon wrote:
> > In the 1.1 timeframe I proposed something similar for a demo/research
> > project - I'll just copy the proposal verbatim below in case any of the
> > ideas could be of any value.  
> Very interesting Tom. Thanks for your thoughts.
> > if throwing a
> > 40-processor system at a build doesn't really help much it's not likely
> > to be of much help either to distribute the individual pieces out to the
> > 'cloud'.
> Are there any figures for build time versus increase in processor cores?
> It would be interesting to see what the immediate performance gain is
> for a build with a low number of additional cores and then where it tops
> out?

These threads have some hard data:


Some of which is summarized here:


Other people may have pointers to more data or summaries..


> > The whole
> > process is completely peer-to-peer with no single node in charge - in
> > that context, a more appropriate name for it might be 'BuildTorrent'.
> A "BuildTorrent". I like it!
> Cheers,
> Alex

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