On 01/02/2013 01:55 PM, Gary Thomas wrote:
On 2013-01-02 14:47, David Evans wrote:
Dear Sirs,

I apologise for asking this question to everyone, but I can't figure
out who best to direct this question to.

When I build the standard Yocto Project in the Quick-Start guide I get
the following Warnings.

WARNING: Failed to fetch URL
attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL
ftp://ftp.ossp.org/pkg/lib/uuid/uuid-1.6.2.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS
if available
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL
attempting MIRRORS if available

Notice that these are WARNINGS, bitbake is doing the right thing and falling back to the Yocto Project Mirrors where those older tarballs do exist.

As a complete Newbie to Yocto, having the Quick-Start fail like this
is killing me, as I have no stable example upon which to build my
under standing.

Is your build failing beyond this? Are you able to create an image? I recently built RPi, myself and it worked OK for me, both images.

If you have other failures please let us know.

My ultimate goal is to run the Raspberry Pi project as outlined at
http://www.pimpmypi.com/blog/blogPost.php?blogPostID=7, but I am
seeing the same do_fetch failures as those
reported by Ed Nelson at

Any help will be much appreciated.

What version of Yocto (OE-core) do you have?  Those are pretty old
recipes and the corresponding tarballs seem to no longer be available.
If you update your repositories, you may get farther along.

Both Openembedded and the Yocto Project keep mirrors of the older tarballs since as you say some upstreams remove older tarballs from their sites.


n.b. when you run bitbake, you'll see a summary of what repositories
you are using.  Posting that would help a lot.

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