Hi all,

There is loads of research on embedded computing going on in academic
circles, and I was just wondering if the YP could be of interest to them.
A lot of this research involves creating working prototypes, so they
probably have to deal with many of the same problems as people building
commercial products.

There are a few conferences coming up early next year:

The Augmented Human International Conference in Stuttgart

The IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society
(http://veillance.me/), which has chosen "Living in a SmartWorld" as their
theme, with wearable computing and augmediated reality as 2 of their main

There is also the 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and
Embodied Interaction in Barcelona (http://www.tei-conf.org/13/).

And I am sure there are many, many more. The above 3 happen to be
announcing their submissions opening, that's why I came across them.

I am just wondering if the Yocto Project should try to have a presence on
some of these conferences. Many of them have a case study or similar
submission type where a presentation about the Yocto Project could fit.

Just a Monday mad thought, after all the Barcelona excitement.


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