I just read most of the thread,

Is clear that another maintainer for meta-xilinx is needed :)

To summarize spartan6-lx9mb I only succeed in building an initramfs image, using
Xilinx prebuilt toolchain.

in microblaze-support branch

The only build step that I found are here

Which are for Microblaze in Virtex5 M507;

At the time that I was working to integrate Microblaze I never pass to
successfully build gcc (4.5.0)
but probably with newer gcc it could be different story.


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 7:08 PM, Elvis Dowson <elvis.dow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Trevor,
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> >
> > ~$300 for the SP601 is certainly not too onerous. If I start to see
> > more success with yocto I will definitely consider it.
> >
> > Other options include:
> > - qemu (maybe getting yocto to run/build a microblaze qemu image would be 
> > nice)
> > - the spartan-6 version of the papilio board (which is either going to
> > be a papilio plus or the papilio pro)
> >
> > I do have one question though: if I had the SP601, would I be able to
> > download (for free) an synthesize (using the freely available ISE
> > tools) a microblaze and/or a PPC soft core? Or would I need to pay for
> > those components (and if so, how much)?
> There are two parts of the design suite, ISE (for VHDL and Verilog)
> development, and XPS (EDK) for re-using the Xilinx IP cores in
> a project. To edit microblaze projects, you would need an EDK
> license. The standard webpack only includes a license for the ISE
> component, and is usually device locked to a particular set of
> devices, usually the low-end FPGAs.
> The SP601 comes only with the WebPack software, so hmm no, not
> suitable for what you want to do.
> What you really need is the ISE Embedded Edition or System Edition,
> in order to be able to configure your IP cores using the Xilinx
> Base System Builder, so that you can design your peripherals
> around a MicroBlaze (Virtex, Spartan) or ARM (Zynq) processor core.
> There are no soft PowerPC IP cores, only hard PowerPC IP cores on
> specific Virtex 4 (PPC405) / 5 (PPC440) FPGA variants, with the FXT 
> designation.
> Xilinx stopped using PowerPC hard cores with the Virtex 5 series.
> So, series-6 and series-7 FPGAs don't have PowerPC any more, and the only
> option was to use a soft core processor like the microblaze. In the specific
> case of the Zynq series, they have a dual ARM Cortex-A9 hard core processor.
> I find that the Spartan-6 Embedded Kit (SP605 + ISE Design Suite Embedded
> Edition) gives you want you want, and the price listed on the website is 
> USD$695.
> http://www.xilinx.com/products/boards-and-kits/DK-S6-EMBD-G.htm
> The other option is the Zynq-EPP 7020 platform which includes the base board
> with the ARM processor, and ISE Design Suite System Edition for USD$895.
> Best regards,
> Elvis Dowson
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