
On Oct 23, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Elvis Dowson <elvis.dow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I haven't had any solutions for this build error that I'm facing. If someone 
> could offer some insight as to what might be going wrong, it would be much 
> appreciated.
>> On Oct 23, 2012, at 12:22 AM, Elvis Dowson <elvis.dow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> | Configuring sysvinit.
>>> | Collected errors:
>>> |  * preinst_configure: Aborting installation of base-passwd.
>>> |  * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package packagegroup-core-boot.
>>> | ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs (see 
>>> /tool/yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/zynq_zc702-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-minimal-1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.30138
>>>  for further information)
>>> ERROR: Task 7 
>>> (/tool/yocto/poky/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb, 
>>> do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'
>>> NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1395 tasks of which 227 didn't need to be 
>>> rerun and 1 failed.
>>> No currently running tasks (1395 of 1396)
>> The build appears to be failing because it cannot install 
>> packagegroup-core-boot. Has something changed recently in poky/master, that 
>> might be causing this?
> I additionally notice that the path being generated is zynq_702 instead of 
> zynq-702. 
> No-where in Philip Ballister's machine configs for the zc702 board, is is 
> mentioned zynq_zc702 with an underscore, yet it adds it. 
> It's kind of weird.
> ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs (see 
> /tool/yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/zynq_zc702-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-minimal-1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.30138
>  for further information)
> It's kind of weird.
> I also see the same zynq_zc702 entry with an underscore in the logs as 
> follows:
> | + ipkgarchs='all any noarch arm armv4 armv5 armv5-vfp armv5e armv5e-vfp 
> armv6-vfp armv7a armv7a-vfp armv7a-vfp-neon zynq_zc702'
> What could be causing this?

I found out why it was failing. I recently added two SSD drives in a RAID0 
stripped disk configuration. One of the performance tweaks was to move /tmp to 
RAM, to improve the life of the SSDs. My /etc/fstab for setting up the /tmp 
folder inadvertently included the noexec,nodev,nosuid options, which cause the 
rootfs process to fail.

the following entry works for the /etc/fstab for moving the /tmp file to RAM

none    /tmp    tmpfs    defaults,noatime,nodiratime    0    0

I just updated poky and the rest of the meta-layers to the latest commit on 
their respective master branches, and it built successfully.

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson

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