This is for an ADLGS45 board from Advanced Digital Logic.  It has a Core2 Duo 
with an Intel GS45 chipset.  I have the kernel and everything booting just find 
using the hddimg file generated (and found in tmp/deploy/images), however that 
is wasting a lot of space on that drive, since the image is only 250MB (and the 
drive is 120GB).

If I can avoid going through the hassle of installing GRUB and copying over the 
root FS (i.e. wrap it into a single 'dd' command) that would be ideal because 
eventually this will be turned over to a tech who knows nothing about GRUB or 
anything else and just (somewhat) follows a manual.


From: [] on behalf of 
Rudolf Streif []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 16:13
To: Jonathan Haws
Subject: Re: [yocto] Multiple partitions in drive image


For what hardware are you building? It depends on the hardware how you need to 
layout the file system on the boot device. YP provides you with a kernel image 
and a root file system image and eventually, dependent on the hardware, with 
bootloaders in ${TMPDIR}/deploy/images.

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