All, The autobuilder is currently building 1.3_M5.rc3. It is being built from what will be the 1.3 release branch "danny". We've seen a few issues so far, specifically a failure on nightly-x86-64 sanity tests with conman and shutdown, an odd failure in the non-gplv3 buildout (which I am running again) and for the intel QA team, failures for both fri2 emgd and non-emgd, crownbay with emgd and sys940x.
The next (and hopefully last) release candidate will be generated this coming Wednesday. Please view any failures for rc3 and get patches in if they're needed/work with me if the failures are due to changes needed within the autobuilder. The images are being generated from the HEAD of danny and have already had the DISTRO_NAME, DISTRO_VERSION, SDK_VENDOR and build appliance SRCREV flipped in preparation for release. All build artifacts should be available by 8pm Pacific Daylight Time at: Location: Branch: danny Tag: 1.3_M5.rc3 Commits: poky: 86c9aa8081f107420cd3763d0566d779daddc2b1 eclipse-poky: aa38f8b19c921cce2f73647d8aeb7e355c868b56 meta-qt3: c86fb1727ae09526c442ec29fffde3f010aa70eb meta-intel: 2c1e927fa99abe47865a03cf661d4757ff3147c6 -- Elizabeth Flanagan Yocto Project Build and Release _______________________________________________ yocto mailing list