On 3 October 2012 14:05, James Abernathy <jfaberna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now I see a bunch of patches pushed to Denzil branch and I want to test
> them.  My build directory is untouched since the successful build before.
> What do I do to rebuild my project to include the latest patches.  I've
> tried things like "bitbake -c cleansstate core-image-cdv-media" before the
> new "bitbake core-image-cdv-media" and I've tried just rebaking by itself.
> Something always fails.  I've learned that to really test I have to
> completely delete my build directory saving only my local.conf and
> bblayer.conf.

Just git pull ; bitbake should work -- all of the packages that
changed will rebuild without any problems.

That's the theory, and everyone who works against oe-core/poky master
does this ever day (including me).

Can you give an example of something that fails?

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