On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Brian Lloyd <bll...@familyhonor.net> wrote:
> Most of my hits for such an item
> discuss the packages I will need to install in my host distribution so I
> can use the yocto project (not surprised, the danger of a term as vague
> as packages).

In bitbake/yocto/OE/etc. the term "packages" is not vague and has a
very specific meaning: bitbake processes recipes to produce one or
more packages. Some of these packages are then assembled into an
image. Linux distributions also use the term "packages" to mean
(essentially) the same thing (except their packages are not assembled
through the use of bitbake). So I don't think "package" is a vague
term; an rpm, or a deb, or an ipk... these are all packages.

I do agree, however, that in the general, computer-user populace the
term "package" is bandied about indiscriminately, but that doesn't
mean we should have to use something else or come up with a new term
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