On 17 September 2012 09:09, Chris Tapp <opensou...@keylevel.com> wrote:
> I want to enable glut in mesa from within a layer so I can run with an 
> unmodified brach (e.g Denzil). All I need to do is:
> 1) Add the SRC_URI to mesa-7.11.inc;
> 2) Add a couple of LIB_DEPS, add a couple of packages and modify EXTRA_OECONF 
> (it has --disable-glut) in mesa-common.inc
> Can I do this using .bbappend files? I can see a couple of issues:
> 1) The SRC_URI checksum currently in mesa-7.11.inc doesn't specify a 
> filename. I suspect this isn't going to work too well if I add a specific for 
> the glut download. Or will the generic checksum still match against the 
> existing (non-named) file?
> 2) How do I modify EXTRA_OECONF to change the --disable-glut in mesa-common 
> to --enable-glut?

GLUT isn't part of Mesa since 6.4 (released 2005), and Mesa recommend
to use freeglut:

"2.3 Where is the GLUT library?

GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) is no longer in the separate
MesaGLUT-x.y.z.tar.gz file. If you don't already have GLUT installed,
you should grab freeglut."

Freeglut can be build standalone and won't need any bbappends.

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