      How can I do a dependency walk for the busybox recipe? 

I've added gcc-4.5 recipe support and eglibc-2.13 support against the latest 
poky master branch. The core-image-minimal image works for my powerpc440 
soft-float target, from an older commit id, prior to the gcc toolchain rework, 
and it worked correctly with gcc-4.5 and eglibc-2.13.

So, as a next step after getting the image to boot correctly, I updated the 
recipes to work against the latest poky master. 

The resulting image crashed with a kernel init, when I passed init=/bin/sh.

The size of the /bin/busybox or /bin/sh (soft-link) executable was 600.1kb for 
the older commit id, with busybox-1.19.4. The size of the busybox-1.20.2 
executable a bit larger(around 608kb) but that did't work with gcc-4.5 and 
eglibc-2.13, and caused a kernel panic.

So I added busybox-1.19.4 recipe back into my poky master branch, and the 
resulting size of the busybox-1.19.4 /bin/busybox or /bin/sh executable is 
604.2 kb.

Same gcc-4.5, eglibc-2.13 and busybox-1.19.4 recipes and srcrevs, but different 
executable sizes. 

How can I find out which packages might be contributing the extra 3.2kb to the 
/bin/busybox executable? 

I'm hoping that if I can progressively replace each recipe in the dependency 
chain, till I get to the original size, I might be able to atleast narrow it 
down to the recipe that i causing the kernel panics for the powerpc440 target. 
Once I do that, then I can try with a newer gcc and eglibc version.

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson
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