On 09/06/2012 02:59 PM, Chris Conlon wrote:
Adding a direct link to the CyaSSL recipe file for review:


On initial inspection of this recipe it looks OK, what package/libraries does it provide? Are they the same as the openssl package?
You may need RCONFLICTS_${PN} and/or RPROVIDES_${PN}, where the ${PN} 
may need to be the package names in openssl, I need to check that.
I would suggest that initially you make this available as a standard
layer, possibly called meta-cyassl, it could be hosted on GitHub. You can add it to the OpenEmbedded Layer Index. See http://www.openembedded.org/wiki/LayerIndex
Distributions that want to use this instead of OpenSSL can then use your 
layer and select your recipe, if it's setup correctly it will provide 
what they need.
I hope this is helpful in moving things forward for you.

Yocto Project Component Wrangler
aka Yocto Project User Space Architect

Best Regards,

On Sep 6, 2012, at 10:32 AM, Kamble, Nitin A wrote:

And here is bit of information about CyaSSL from their
The CyaSSL embedded SSL library is a lightweight SSL library written
in ANSI C and targeted for embedded and RTOS environments - primarily
because of its small size, speed, and feature set.  It is commonly
used in standard operating environments as well because of its
royalty-free pricing and excellent cross platform support.  CyaSSL
supports industry standards up to the current TLS 1.2 level, is up
to20 times smaller than OpenSSL, and offers progressive ciphers such
as HC-128, RABBIT, and NTRU.  User benchmarking and feedback reports
dramatically better performance when using CyaSSL over OpenSSL.
*From:*Chris Conlon [mailto:ch...@yassl.com]
*Sent:*Thursday, September 06, 2012 9:07 AM
*To:*yocto@yoctoproject.org <mailto:yocto@yoctoproject.org>
*Cc:*Kamble, Nitin A
*Subject:*CyaSSL Yocto Recipe


As per discussions with a few of the Yocto members, we have put
together a Yocto Project recipe for the CyaSSL embedded SSL library.
I have attached the recipe here for review and comments.


Chris Conlon
www.yassl.com <http://www.yassl.com>
ch...@yassl.com <mailto:ch...@yassl.com>
Skype: chris_conlon_07
+1 406 209 0601

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