On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Tomas Frydrych
<tf+lists.yo...@r-finger.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am wondering why yocto includes a beagleboard.conf when it is unable
> to support much of the board's features, and there is a dedicated layer
> for TI stuff that defines the beagleboard machine properly.
> I actually have a fairly practical gripe here: it is currently not
> possible to include both meta-yocto and meta-ti, and have it use the
> correct beagleboard.conf from meta-ti! The meta-yocto layer prepends
> itself to the BBPATH while meta-ti appends itself, so regarless the
> layer arrangement, the (not-much-useful) yocto beagleboard.conf is
> always used, and everything is broken. The only way to work around this
> that I can think of is to provide yet another beagleboard.conf from a
> custom layer that also preppends itself to the BBPATH, which feels like
> three sides of a square route.

So we fix the configuration of the layers .. and meta-ti was supposed to
work properly with meta-yocto last I heard.

> So, is there a good reason not to get rid of yocto beagleboard.conf?

The meta-yocto layer beagleboard configuration is a hardware ARM reference, that
uses the linux-yocto kernel (policy and version) and is used for the
project QA on

The meta-ti layer, which no one argues has more hardware functionality and
support, doesn't hit those other three elements.

The beagleboard in meta-yocto will be bumped shortly to match the 3.4 configs
and policy of the rest of the reference boards.

If I make the statement that we need a ARM hardware reference, that uses only
meta-yocto (linux-yocto + config + tools), the choices are limited.
Any board that
I select, is followed by an series of comments about how other layers,
other places,
other <something> has that board. So there's no right choice, including dropping
it completely, since the requirements that I've listed above are
equally not met by
any other layer configurations.



> Tomas
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