On Thursday 23 August 2012 14:32:49 Axel Beierlein wrote:
> Two questions from a Newbie on Yocto:
> I get compiling Errors in Busybox from a new clone of the Yocto Git Repo.
> I have to change the name of the .bbappend File from 1.94.4 to 1.20.2
> and also the directory to get a working tree.

This has now been fixed in latest master - thanks for pointing it out.
> And in the 1.94.4.bbappend File. What means ${P} after the THISDIR?
> In the Documentation i read something about ${THISDIR}/${PN} and not
> ${P} is this a mistake or do i understand something wrong?

You can use whatever subdirectory name you like there, ${PN} (which would 
resolve to "busybox") is just traditional. In this case the author of the 
bbappend chose to use ${P} which is the same as ${PN}-${PV}, which in this 
case resolves to "busybox-1.20.2", thus making the directory specific to the 
version of busybox being built.



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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