LaurentiuP, Bogdan, Jessica, Jason, LaurentiuS, Paul, Jeff, Kevin, Richard, 
Bjorn, Nitin, Tom, Mark, Michael, Beth, JasonK, Cristian, Bruce, Song
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Announcement about the priority merge:
  - categories: high, medium+, medium, low
  - The team will be changing P1-P4 to new priorities in Bugzilla in the next 2 
weeks. Before that's done, please still refer to the priority column and the 
white board in Bugzilla.
* Yocto 1.3 status  - 10 min (Song/team)  
    - Reminder: 1.3 feature complete coming 9/2/2012
    - Thanks to Richard, Ross, Paul Eggleton, Paul Gortmaker, Darren/Bruce, 
Shane/Liming, and everyone else who completed their high items for M3.
    - The following high's will have to be rescheduled. LTSI one may have to be 
off the 1.3 release. Getting CCB approval for this
61        nor        [Performance] Generate fontconfig cache when building 
image        3.0        Medium        ACCE        (P1)(Scheduled)
1369        nor        [Multilib] On-target gcc 
enhancement        5.0        Medium        ACCE        (P1)(Scheduled)
2010        nor        Some unnecessary packages installed cause AutoBuilder 
failed        0.5        Medium        ACCE        (P1)
 (Development) Status: Tested. Estimate: 4 hours
2038        enh        [multilib] Add scripts to sanity check for multilib 
libraries in the build 
directory        4.0        Medium        ACCE        (P1)(patch
2162        maj        [Hob2] Implement 'Settings' dialogue as 
designed        5.0        Medium        ACCE        (P1)(scheduled)
2165        enh        [Hob2] Change actions in the 'Recipes' screen to: 'Build 
image' (primary action) and 'Build packages' (secondary 
action).        15.0        Medium        ACCE        (P1)
1621        enh        [Performance] Running post installs at rootfs gen 
time        7.0        Low        ACCE        (P1)(No
 QA Needed) (Design Review)(post 1.2) Feb 20, 2012
2396        enh        Integrate LTSI into 
linux-yocto-dev        10.0        Medium        ACCE        (P1)(blocked)
    - Bugs trend is going up. See the status wiki page: 
    - M3 status: 
      . Laurentiu/QA: doing full pass testing on last week's weekly build, we 
still have issues: x32, multi-lib, x86-64, HOB (related to dead package) , and 
we have bugs open.
      . Richard: master status, things are bumpy at the moment, ongoing build 
issues for kernel build, there are quite some patches in yesterday, introduced 
9 failures, we got solutions for most of them, there is still trouble going on. 
RP will be on vacation, M3 is at a little bit of risk. Saul will help after 
Richard is gone on vacation.
    - Review of the M4 release criteria: 
* SWAT team rotation: Beth -> Paul
* Opens - 10 min
  - Mark: I have one minor issue around LSB/FHS:
Involved in IVI work, someone forwarded an email discussing requirement for 
their internal work. There are concerns that YP does not conform to basic Linux 
requirement (LSB/FHS). We are doing the LSB testing, there are bugs and we are 
fixing bugs. No compliance is not intentional. We are getting better on this. 
  - Michael: Open, Public IP address space change. 
Firming up some details on ISP, change will happen this Thursday morning at 
4am. There could be some connectivity problems for 10 minutes. Will send email 
to the list before that to warn everyone. There will be 300 seconds for old DNS 
entries. Once we are done, we will be separated from other LF servers. Attack 
on those servers will not affect YP anymore after that. 
  - Beth: Minor AB downtime: there are some recent issues identified for AB, 
would like to get this fixed this week. Do need schedule some downtime, very 
short (half an hour).
* Team sharing - 20 min
  - Michael: got the new AB's online,  issueshave been fixed. Web hob design 
docs. Laurentiu and I have been working on bugzilla statistic data.
  - Bruce: outside of M3, perf mess, updating other BSPs. Do have some test 
trees. Delaying merging them now to avoid destabilize master.
  - Mark: Sent the RFC out about the Image generation and deployment to OE-core 
mailing list.. no feedback.. 

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