> Got around this issue by checking out the denzil branch on meta-ti and 
> poky.  then my core-image-sato builds and boots.

Right, that is what I was going to suggest.

One of us should fix the pulseaudio issue on master and send in a patch.

> Anyone know how to get the wireless and HW accelerated video playback to 
> work with the pandaboard and Yocto? maybe a different image?

meta-ti list is probably going to be the place to find this out. Or at least 
find clues. Unfortunately, it seems that there is not a pandaboard expert in 
the Yocto house.

The meta-ti layer has been extracted from Angstrom, so there seem to be plenty 
dependencies directly on OE. Often when building more hardware-specific 
recipies, these dependencies crop up. So Yocto on Pandaboard is definitely 
still a work in progress.

I have gotten video to work by porting the libav recipe from OE. Happy to send 
it to you if you want to try. There is no evidence to suggest this is 
hardware-accellerated.  HOWEVER, it does play 2Mbps video without stuttering. 
So from my perspective, whether it's hw accellerated is not important :)

The downside is that AUDIO is working hardly at all. This is my current 
challenge, and I'll definitely report progress to the meta-ti list.

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