Thanks, Khem.

Just to make sure I understand this correctly: if I don't use the
meta-yocto layer, OE-Core should provide reference distro policies that
allow me to build an image. So I guess the 'defaultsetup' option in Hob is
referring to those OE-Core policies. Shane, Dongxiao: could you confirm if
this is the case?



On 02/07/2012 17:53, "Khem Raj" <> wrote:

>On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Barros Pena, Belen
><> wrote:
>> If I delete the meta-yocto layer, am I supposed to provide the distro to
>> be used via a layer or some other means?
>OE-Core has reference distro policies which are enough to generate
>images by just using OE-Core and that is what happens when you drop
>meta-yocto its testing the reference distro setup from OE-Core

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