On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 5:29 PM, jfabernathy <jfaberna...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  On 06/18/2012 05:21 PM, Marc Ferland wrote:
>> jfabernathy<jfabernathy@gmail.**com <jfaberna...@gmail.com>>  writes:
>>    I needed to do some network performance testing on a Crownbay board and
>>>    needed iperf in that environment.  Since I had the core-image-sato-sdk
>>>    image created, I just booted that and took the tarball from
>>> Sourceforge
>>>    and built it  per the readme file instructions:
>>>    ./configure
>>>    make
>>>    make install
>>>    After I completed my test, I thought about why not put that in my list
>>>    of personal recipes.  I found the previous version of iperf in the
>>>    openembedded collection of benchmark recipes and just copied it over.
>>>    It built and worked fine.  There were a lot of items in the .bb that I
>>>    didn't understand, so I thought for fun I'd just try to build a recipe
>>>    for iperf 2.0.5 and see what happened.  My recipe is simple, mostly
>>>    taken from the openembedded 2.0.4 version had stripped down:
>> Hi JF,
>> I add the same problem you had with the man page stuff, try this patch.
>> Marc
> thanks, that patch fixed it from a build point of view. now I'll build the
> image again and see what happens on the hardware.
> Jim A
> As expected the new image booted and ran the iperf 2.0.5 just fine.  Are
there any plans to add this tool to the Yocto project??

Jim A
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